A little bit of Disney in NYC…
Today we woke up pretty early because we wanted to visit the Observatory deck of the Empire State Building at 5th Avenue. After we took some pictures of our hotel by daylight we went to the subway station to drive to the Empire State Building. The sun was shining and the sky was crystal clear. We also saw Macy’s, but that was for later.
Thanks to our New York Pass we did not have to pay for the Entrance for the Empire State Building. We bought some sort of map and with this map we could see where in NYC all the buildings really are.
As soon as we entered the waiting line we had to go through a security check (similar as a security check at the airport). After that we went to the elevators which took us up to the 80th floor of the building. At the 80th floor we had to change the elevator to get to the 86th floor. Here we got to the Observatory Deck and guess what we saw…… The Disney Fantasy (Cruiseship of the Disney Cruise Line) at the Hudson River going to the Cruise Ship Terminal, We took a lot of pictures from it. At the East and South Side of the building it was very windy and cold. On the other hand, the other side of the building was easy to found and here the sun was shining. The views were amazing. There was a possibility to get to the 102nd floor for an additional § 15, but we did not do this.
After this it was time to go to the 9/11 Memorial. Again we took the Subway and founded it pretty soon. And here again a big security check . The Memorial was pretty impressive even though the Museaum was not open jet. From here it was also possible tot see the Freedom Tower. This tower is still being built and we think it is going to be beautyful.
After that we went back tot Macy’s, the biggest department store in the world. First we went to the restaurant in the Cellar of Macy’s. It is located at 151 W 34th. We both had the Burger of this restaurant and it was very good. After that it was time to go shop, but Macy’s was not what I was expecting from it. So we went to the next store – Victoria’s Secret. This store was a madhouse, because they launched a new fragrance. We bought some nice things there. Next shopping shop was going to be Bloomingdales, but Bloomingdale is unfortunately not next to Macy’s and Victoria Secret, so we had to walk a couple of blocks.
When we we’re walking towards Bloomingdales we saw the New York Public Library, so we we’re going to visit the Library. It was a short visit (only the restrooms) and we were walking further towards Bloomingdales. We stopped at the Build a Bear shop and at Armani and Tommy Hilfiger (where we bought some new clothes for the both of us).
We had to walk 22 blocks on 5th Ave. After we took some pictures of the Apple Store at 5th (by daylight) we arrived at Bloomingdales. The store is really big, but a lot of people are trying to sell you all kinds of stuff. At the cosmetic department, they tried to sell me some expensive cremes, but they did not succeed. On top of that, I was trying on some clothes of Ralph Lauren in a dressing room at the Michael Kors part of floor. The saleswoman was freaking out…. Sometimes the Americans are a little crazy.
After the shopping part of the day we were really thirsty, so we went to the Trump Building to get a Starbucks. The Trump Building is a really chique building with lots of companies in it. On our way back to the hotel we visited finally the Magnolia Bakery. A Bakery where you can buy really expensive Cupcakes, but when you are in New York, you just have to buy them. And I can tell you, they are delicious.
Pretty early we arrived at the hotel, because walking all day through New York is no picknick and we need to give our feet some rest.
9 thoughts on “A little bit of Disney in NYC…”
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Lekker cupcakes, met allerlei soorten toppings? Welke hadden jullie?
Super foto’s, en zoals Joke ook al zegt : bezorg ons maar lekker veel foto’s, kunnen we meegenieten!
Euh…paarse en roze! Vandaag weer een paar gehaald! 🙂
Toch wel bijzonder om even het cruiseschip te kunnen zien en wat een hoop winkels hè!! Build à bear is hier bij de kids toch echt geliefd! Geniet van al het moois en lekkers!
Lekker hoor shoppen, waren de cupcakes echt zo lekker.
Alles oké met je buik haha. Wel gaaf van die cruise hoor.
En wat een hoge gebouwen.
Wanneer gaan jullie maart ander hotel?
Geen buikpijn gehad! Antibiotica is ook op! 🙂 wel hele zere voeten.
Hihihi ja dat van die pashokjes is echt raar hè ! Wij zaten ook in het verkeerde hok gelukkig was er weinig volk en mochten we verder passen ! Wij hadden DKNY in een verkeerd hok gepast .. Pffff
Shoppen in NY = fun fun fun ( maar niet zo goedkoop als in Florida hè ;-))) )
Veel plezier en bezorg nog maar wat foto’s ;-)) kunnen we meegenieten :-))))
Have fun !!!!!!
Die vrouw werd bijna boos. De prijzen van de vergelijkbare stores vallen wel mee vind ik. Enkel geen outlet gevonden nog. Maar dat veranderd morgen en zaterdag. 🙂
Was dat puur toeval of wisten jullie dat de Fantasy langs kwam ?
Echt een prachtig zicht ! New York New York 🙂
Was puur toeval. Hoewel Wezz het 30 minuten ervoor Via Twitter gevraagd had of we er gingen kijken.