Day 26: Last day of sunshine…
Good Morning, Papa and Mama at 6:30’was not what we expected on the last full day in Sunset Lakes. But who cares the sun was shining and we had some fun things ahead of us. After playing and eating we left towards Disney Springs, but not before we got our shot of Starbucks!
At 10:00am (opening time) of Disney Springs (outdoor Disney mall) Mama parked the car. Emily woke up immediately and we wandered through some shops. But nothing which could really interest us.
Next stop SeaWorld, we still had a child swap pass for Manta and wanted to watch the One Ocean show, a show with Killer Whales. At 11:00 we parked our car almost in front of the entrance.
First stop a bench near Shamu Stadium for Emily her fruit. And 30 minutes before the show started we entered the stadium and found some perfect spots, a little bit behind the splash zone. I guess you understand that the park was everything but crowded. Emily had a lot of fun watching and interacting with the people around us. This shows is still really spectacular but not as special as we remembered from a couple years ago. Emily thought is was boring as she slept in half way in the show.
After the show was done I wanted to take a look at the Antartica area where a new ride was build a couple years ago. The ride Antartica: Empire of the Penguin. First it started with the choice between Wild and Mild, we then learned that Emily wasn’t allowed in the ride and we needed to do a Child Swap. So we had out hopes up high and thought this would be a spectacular ride but it’s not. The coolest thing I saw where the 3 SCALANCE W788 on the ceiling… The child swap was ridiculous because they told us to wait in a cold area (just above zero) with Emily and we should swap there… At the end I felt really sorry for Emily because the Wild ride is milder as sitting in a car seat while driving through Toronto. But at least we brought a nice warm blanket. The second coolest thing was the exhibit at the end, and there it was -1 Celcius.
After this somewhat disappointing experience we went to the Manta so Mama could ride it. And she was so smart to get another Child Swap card while exiting so I could take another dive before we left the park.
We went to the International Premium Outlets to get a new carry-on suitcase for Emily her books, she got 9 books with bed time stories and others and we need to get them home. And since we needed a new carry-on this was the easiest thing to do.
After the shopping we went back to the Villa but stopped at the Publix first. We got beer and meat for a last barbecue. After the barbecue we packed last items and prepared everything for the moment we leave tomorrow morning…
Day 25: Starting in the rain…
We heard some strange noise this morning when we woke up, it was the rain pouring on the pool deck. Not a real surprise because we knew the forecast for today already but still this is the second day which we would consider a bad weather day.
We decided to change our plans a bit so we started with packing the first 2 out of 3 suitcases with the items we didn’t needed anymore. This way we don’t have to waste time on that tomorrow. Off course it made our mood not better but at least we got that done during Emily her morning nap.
When Emily woke up we were almost ready to go, she just needed to eat her fruit. After that was done we went to the IHOP for late but delicious pancake breakfast, or maybe it was an early lunch? Mama got Strawberry Banana Pancakes and I went for the Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity pancakes with warm Apple Cinnamon topping. They taste even better as the name…
From there we went a bit north to the Florida Mall because it’s an indoor mall and it was ideal for today’s weather. Here we started with Coffee and ended with ice-cream at ColdStone before we drove back towards the villa.
Since the weather got slightly better we decided to get something for on the barbecue: burgers! Today we did Burgers Berlin style!
Tomorrow the weather should be better and we hope to visit Disney Springs and SeaWorld and end the vacation and stay in the villa with a last barbecue!